pain demands to be felt

There exists a profound truth that resonates through the corridors of our existence: Pain demands to be felt. It is an undeniable force, an integral part of the human experience, weaving its threads into the very fabric of our being. In acknowledging this reality, we come to understand that while we may not have a say in the pain we encounter, we do possess the power to shape the hands that deliver it.

Life, like a complex symphony, unfolds with a harmonious blend of joys and sorrows. Each note, whether sweet or melancholic, contributes to the melody of our journey. It's a realization that the essence of living lies not in avoiding pain but in discerning the hearts that are worthy of inflicting it.

We are artists of our emotions, wielding the brush that paints the canvas of our experiences. In this masterpiece, we have the agency to choose those who color our world with empathy, compassion, and understanding. The people we allow into our inner sanctum become co-authors of our story, influencing the narrative with their presence.

As we navigate the intricate paths of life, it becomes crucial to embrace the beauty within the pain. The profound moments of connection, vulnerability, and growth often arise from the crucible of adversity. It is in acknowledging the existence of pain that we find the strength to savor the exquisite hues of our shared humanity.

So, let us approach life with a conscious understanding of our choices. Let us be selective in the company we keep, for these are the individuals who will shape the chapters of our narrative. May we find solace in the fact that pain, though inevitable, is not the antagonist of our story but rather a nuanced brushstroke that adds depth and richness to the canvas of our lives.

May we all find the courage to be artists of our own emotions, navigating the delicate dance between vulnerability and resilience. For it is in this dance that we truly learn to appreciate the art of choosing our hurt.

Here's to a life well-lived, painted with the vibrant hues of love, understanding, and the beautiful acceptance of pain.


i’ve got my own giants


more than an afterthought