i’ve got my own giants

In the vast tapestry of life, each of us faces our own giants. For some, these giants manifest in the haunting echoes of a tumultuous childhood. For others, it may be the enduring solitude that casts a long shadow over their days. This is the story of overcoming, of transforming pain into an abundance of love.

Growing up, my world was painted with hues of darkness. The echoes of abuse reverberated through the corridors of my early years, casting a long shadow over my journey into adulthood. The wounds inflicted carved scars into the fabric of my soul. Each step forward felt like an arduous climb, with the weight of the past dragging me down.

As the years unfolded, loneliness became my constant companion. The vast expanse of solitude seemed insurmountable, an abyss that swallowed any glimmer of connection. Yet, within this isolation, I discovered a reservoir of love within myself – an untapped wellspring yearning to be shared.

The path to healing begins with acknowledging the giants I faced. Confronting the demons of my past required a courage that, at times, felt elusive. I found strength in vulnerability.

Loneliness, too, became a catalyst for self-discovery. In the quiet moments, I learned to befriend myself. The love that once eluded me from external sources began to bloom within. It was a journey of self-acceptance, a realization that my worth was not contingent on the presence of others.

This journey is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. It is a reminder that even in the darkest corners, love has the power to illuminate. My story is not unique; it is a collective narrative of overcoming adversity and emerging with a heart brimming with compassion.

The scars of the past no longer define me; instead, they serve as a testament to the strength that resides within us all.

So, to anyone wrestling with their giants know that within you lies the power to overcome. Your journey may be arduous, but the destination is a place where love reigns supreme.


fragile yet resilient


pain demands to be felt