more than an afterthought

In the dance of emotions, I’ve come to a realization. I refuse to be a mere footnote in someone else’s story, a second choice when it suits them. It’s time to break free from the chains of being the perpetual understudy.

I am more than just an option, more than a placeholder in someone’s heart. Love should not be a convenience, a fleeting sentiment that only emerges when it’s convenient. It’s time to reclaim my worth and stand tall as an individual deserving of love, respect, and genuine connection.

I won’t settle for being the backup plan or the one you turn to when the stars align in your favor. No more playing second fiddle. It’s time to be someone’s first choice, to be at the forefront of someone’s thoughts, not just an afterthought.

In this journey of self-discovery, I am choosing self-love and self-respect. It’s a declaration to the world and to myself that I deserve more. No longer will I let the tides of someone else’s convenience dictate the course of my heart.

Here’s to embracing our worth, valuing ourselves, and refusing to settle for anything less than genuine, reciprocated love.


pain demands to be felt


haunted emptiness