Our Story - Simply Shirls. Simply Me.

A Journey Through the Shadows

Hello beautiful souls, I'm Shirls, the heart behind this sanctuary of words, where vulnerability meets strength. Simply Shirls is not just a blog; it's a haven where I lay bare my heart and share the raw, unfiltered chapters of my life.

In these pages, I pour out what hurts, the mistakes I've made, the lessons that stitched my wounds, and the bridges I've reluctantly burned. I’ve buried hatchets and this is the map back to where I put them. Life isn't a fairytale, and here, I embrace the messy, the broken, and the imperfect. It's a symphony of pain and healing, and you're invited to listen, reflect, and perhaps find echoes of your own journey.

Underneath the smiles and societal expectations, I grapple with anxiety and depression. Writing becomes my lifeline, the gentle tug that keeps me from the edge. In the depths of despair, these words become the glimmer of light, a testament that even in the darkest moments, there's a flicker of hope.

Mistakes, oh how they've sculpted the contours of my existence! Here, I unveil my missteps, unafraid of judgment. Each error, a stepping stone; each lesson, a beacon guiding me forward. Join me as I navigate the labyrinth of my own imperfections, hoping that in sharing, you'll find solace in your own journey.

Some bridges are meant to be burned. I share the tales of letting go, releasing toxic ties, and finding the courage to walk away. It's a cathartic process, and in the ashes of those bridges, I discover a strength I never knew I possessed.

For me, writing is more than a craft; it's survival. It's the balm to my wounds, the canvas for my emotions, and the anchor that prevents me from jumping off the metaphorical edge. Here, my words become a secret oasis, and I invite you to find your refuge within them.

In the shadows, we find our true selves. Subscribe to Simply Shirls to embark on this intimate journey of hurt, healing, and self-discovery. Your presence in this space is a beacon of connection, reminding us that we're never truly alone.

With love and vulnerability, Shirls

Note to Self

You'll have moments when you feel like a lion, and moments when you feel like a mouse. Just know that no matter how you feel, you still have a heartbeat and a soul worthy of love, so learn to roar even when you feel small, because you are more than the feelings you may have.

Truth is, no matter how strong you are, at some point you will hit rock bottom, and it will feel like the world is collapsing beneath your feet; but darling, the only person who can get you back on the surface is yourself.

You work so hard, just to end up at home crying yourself to sleep; remember you’re trying, you are moving mountains that have plagued you since you were young, and you’re trying so hard.

Keep fighting, fight until you have won. Fight until you have found your way home, until the sun comes back and your heart learns to love the mornings again.