fragile yet resilient

In the midst of life’s chaos, we can find ourselves grappling with emotions that seem to consume us. Anger, with its fiery intensity, can overwhelm and overshadow everything else. Yet, what if hiding beneath the surface of the anger lies a more profound truth?

I used to say I was an angry person, but I sat with my anger, allowing its waves to wash over me. But as I surrendered to its tumultuous force, I discovered I wasn't angry at all. I was lonely, hurt, rejected, and grieving but not angry.

Often misunderstood and underestimated, these complex emotions manifest in various forms. It is the silent ache of a heart that has known loss, the lingering presence of what once was but is no more. And in that moment of revelation, I realized that my anger was merely a facade, a shield I had erected to conceal the pain buried deep within.

Sitting with complex emotions requires courage – the courage to confront the depths of our sorrow, to acknowledge the wounds that still ache, and to embrace the vulnerability that comes with it. It is a journey of self-discovery, of unraveling the layers of emotion that shroud our true selves.

But in embracing our complexity of emotion, we open ourselves to healing. We allow ourselves the space to mourn what has been lost, to honor the memories that linger, and to find solace in the knowledge that we are not alone in our pain.

This realization has marked a turning point – a moment of clarity amidst the chaos. It marked the beginning of a journey towards peace

So today, if you're facing some complex emotion, sit with it, acknowledge its presence, and allow yourself the space to heal. In facing our grief, we discover the true essence of our humanity – fragile yet resilient, broken yet whole.


the house was burning


i’ve got my own giants