
In the intricate tapestry of life, there are moments where we brush against the edges of what could’ve been—a beautiful ‘almost.’

It’s that bittersweet feeling, akin to catching a fleeting glimpse of a shooting star; the almost love that whispered promises in the quiet of night but faded like dew at dawn. It’s the echo of laughter that could have filled the air, the touch that sent shivers down the spine but never lingered long enough.

Almost love is the worst. It’s full of what-ifs and I-wishes. When you know it could’ve worked under different circumstances, it tears you apart. It’s secret moments in a crowded space.

Sometimes, almost love teaches us more than the deepest romances, revealing the delicate balance between hope and reality, the fine line between what we desire and what fate ordains. It’s the chapter that never fully unfolded, leaving us with wistful smiles and a pocketful of ‘what ifs.

It reminds us of the beauty in the unfulfilled, the lessons learned in the dance between hearts that almost met. They become a part of our story, adding depth to the fabric of our experiences, etching a gentle reminder that not every love needs a destination to be profoundly felt.

We almost loved once.




without reservation